Implantable Loop recorder
A loop recorder is a heart monitoring device to diagnose heart rhythm disorders.
What is an implantable loop recorder?
Percutaneous coronary intervention (often referred to as balloon angioplasty or stenting) is a procedure that is performed after a coronary angiogram when a narrowed or blocked heart vessel is found.
Why has my cardiologist recommended an implantable loop recorder?
Sometimes your heartbeat or rhythm may fall out of synch from its normal pattern, this irregular heartbeat is known as a cardiac arrhythmia. Often an arrhythmia can be diagnosed using an ECG, holter monitor or heart bug, but if your arrythmia occurs briefly or infrequently it may be missed by these tests.
A loop recorder can also detect slow heart rhythms which may cause you to be light headed or to black out.
An implantable loop recorder may be suggested when your cardiologists need to determine if the following symptoms have been caused by an irregular or slow heartbeat:
- An unexplained stroke or TIA
- Unexplained fainting (Syncope)
- Palpitations
What are the risks associated with an implantable loop recorder?
An implantable loop recorder insertion is a minor procedure performed by a cardiologist.
Following the procedure, you may experience:
- Bleeding or bruising
- Infection
- Mild pain at the implantation site
Your individual risks will be discussed by your cardiologist before the procedure. They will depend on your age, your other medical conditions and other factors.
What should I expect when undergoing an implantable loop recorder procedure?
There are no specific requirements prior to this procedure.
At SouthWest Cardiovascular all of our procedures take place at St John of God in Bunbury. This procedure takes place in a specially designed cardiac procedure room. You will be awake for the procedure, but our team may give you a medication to help you feel relaxed (a sedative) and will infiltrate the implantation site with a local anaesthetic to numb the area.
Your cardiologist will then:
- Make a small incision on the left-hand side of your upper chest
- Gently insert the loop recorder under your skin
- Stitch or glue the incision area
- Apply a dressing (if stitched)
You should expect the procedure to take around 10-20 minutes.
Following the insertion of the implantable loop recorder you will be moved to the recovery area to rest. You may feel a little tender at the site of the insertion and have some temporary bruising.
Your cardiologist and their team will discuss with you how the remote monitoring service works. This may involve a small fee to allow regular monitoring of the device, avoiding the need for frequent clinic visits and allowing prompt diagnosis of issues, even if you don’t have any symptoms. Remote monitoring is an optional service. If you don’t wish to connect to the remote monitoring service then regular attendance at clinic will be arranged for you.
A follow up appointment with your cardiologist will be scheduled.